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It’s all in the feel—color is not an indicator of ripeness. The best way to judge ripeness is to feel for uniform softness.

More on Ripening

How to Accelerate Ripening at Home

Place avocados in a brown paper bag with an apple or banana.

Close the bag and leave on the counter or windowsill for 24-48 hours.

Check periodically.

The avocado ripening process is stimulated by the release of ethylene gas from its companion fruits.

Once the avocados have reached desired ripeness, they can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Access more at-home storage and handling tips and tricks, or click here for a video version!

It’s what’s on the inside that counts!

Most blemished and imperfect avocados are still delicious and ready to eat!

How to Cut

Here’s an easy way to slice and remove with pit safely.

Starting with the stem end, slice the avocado in half lengthwise, gently guiding the knife around the perimeter of the pit. Gently twist the two halves apart. Insert a spoon between the pit and the pulp and gently work the spoon around the pit to dislodge.

Some chefs prefer to use a sharp knife to dislodge the pit. This method is effective, but the risk of injury is increased (we’ve all seen the avocado hand reports out there). If you don’t want to risk being shamed by your Instagram friends, we recommend placing the avocado on a cutting board or protecting your hand with a folded kitchen towel when slicing and removing the pit.

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