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AvoIntel: The Ripe Mango: A Retail Success

It’s no secret that ripeness is more than a consumer preference– it’s a driving force behind produce sales.

We’ve seen this with avocados, and now, we’re leveraging our industry-leading ripening to bring a new wave of innovation to the mango category. We believe that the right flavor and texture can make the difference between a one-time purchase and a loyal customer. And our AvoIntelTM shows that 35% of mango shoppers would buy more mangos if the store had more ripe mangos available.1

But many retailers have yet to tap into the full potential of a mango ripening program, missing a significant opportunity to not only increase customer satisfaction, but to drive mango sales. That’s why, for our September edition of AvoIntel™, we’re excited to share a powerful case study that demonstrates the transformative impact a Mission Produce custom ripe program can have on mango category performance.

In collaboration with a major national retailer, we launched a ripe mango program in one of their divisions. Throughout the first six months, we tracked household penetration and purchase frequency compared to their non-ripe divisions. To no surprise, the results speak for themselves!

Ripe Mangos Resulted in Greater Household Penetration.2

Household Penetration was 17% greater in the division on a Mission mango ripe program compared to the non-ripe divisions.2 In the division with ripe mangos, household penetration reached 8.1%, which was 1.2 percentage points higher than their divisions without ripe mangos (6.9%).2

Ripe Mangos Increased Purchase Frequency.2

Customers who shopped at the division offering ripe mangos purchased mangos more frequently than the divisions without ripe mangos.2 Purchase frequency in the ripe mango division averaged 2 trips over six months, compared to just 1.6 trips in the non-ripe divisions.2

In addition, purchase frequency for the ripe division grew compared to the prior six months, while the non-ripe divisions saw a decline.2 These results tell us that not only can ripe mangos outperform non-ripe mangos, but they can drive demand for the category overall.

At Mission Produce, it’s our goal to help our retailers to build customer loyalty, drive sales, and strengthen their presence in the competitive produce market. We know consumers prefer fruit that is ripe and ready to eat, and our custom ripe programs have proven to bring value to mango category performance. We’ve seen the “Ripe Revolution” transform the avocado category, and we’re on the brink of transformation in the mango market.

Join us in leading the Mango Revolution and learn more about Mission’s custom ripe mango programs by contacting

1Online survey of 1,000 mango shoppers conducted on 7/10/23.
2Numerator Insights. January-December 2023.